Desert Museum Science and 保护 through the Decades


博物馆创始人, Bill Carr and Arthur Pack, both followed and contributed to advances in desert 生态 and natural history, and championed many conservation causes.


威廉Woodin, 该博物馆的第二任馆长在爬虫学和自然历史杂志和书籍上发表了爬虫学研究.

Museum 策展人s and keepers contributed to captive breeding research, 兽医科学, natural area designations and native plant horticultural introductions. They helped to document thick-billed parrots, 沙漠pupfish, San Esteban Island chuckwallas and cactus pest management.

副主任, 卢沃克, monitored birds on islands in the Gulf of California, and advocated for their protection, ultimately winning protection for Isla Rasa, the nesting site for 95% of the world’s elegant terns and Heermann’s gulls.

博物馆工作人员与大学科学家合作,广泛收集自然历史, 研究和写作.


The first full-time researcher at the Museum was Dr. Richard Felger, a botanist who established an Office of Ecology in 1975. Felger coordinated research teams working on Seri ethnobotany, the conservation of sea turtles in the Gulf of California, desert-adapted crop plants and he flora of the Gran Desierto in Sonora. 费尔格在保护墨西哥太平洋沿岸海龟的努力中发挥了重要作用, 在《世界杯app软件推荐》杂志上发表了一篇关于海湾绿海龟冬季休眠的重要文章. Field studies by 卢沃克, 比尔Woodin, 卡洛斯·内格尔和理查德·费尔杰帮助为保护塞拉·皮纳卡特(索诺拉)奠定了基础, 墨西哥).


Dr. Thomas 范Devender帮助建立了索诺兰沙漠的气候和植被历史,使用堆鼠冢作为古环境的代用物, including co-editing the seminal book on the topic.

博物馆植物学家和动物学家继续在爬虫学方面进行基础性的自然历史研究, 生物地理学, 珍稀植物生物学, 植物种类, 和人类植物学.


Dr. 加里Nabhan, 科学部主任, 领导科学人员和策展人记录了今天索诺拉沙漠植被与索诺拉南部热带落叶林中祖先生物群落之间的关系, 墨西哥.

范Devender, Nabhan and collaborators updated our knowledge of the plants of the Rio Mayo, fungi of the Tropical Deciduous Forest 和人类植物学 of the Mayo, Guarijio and Mountain Pima tribes.

They investigated the biodiversity of the northern Sierra Madre Occidental, 墨西哥, and established it as a mega-center of plant diversity, 由国际自然保护联盟和世界野生动物基金会认可.

The Museum’s science team initiated the Forgotten 传粉者 Campaign, 其中包括实地研究和向决策者和公众迅速传播有关传粉媒介减少和对沙漠植物构成威胁的科学知识. They explored the role of native pollinators in agricultural production.

“被遗忘的传粉者运动”演变成了“迁徙传粉者计划”, documenting major flyways for lesser long-nosed bats, 白翅鸽, 黑脉金斑蝶, and rufous hummingbirds.

策展人, 霍华德Lawler, 领导努力学习, protect and breed the San Esteban Island (Gulf of California, 墨西哥)大型蜥蜴, in order to establish assurance populations of this endemic lizard.

博物馆的地质学家, Ron Ratkevich和Dave Thayer领导了对腕足类恐龙新属的发掘和描述 Sonorasaurus. Sonorasaurs was named Arizona’s State Dinosaur in 2018.

博物馆的受托人, 贝丝Woodin, 为重新引入墨西哥灰狼而争论并帮助赢得了批准.


Museum botanists and ecologists, led by Director of Natural 历史, Dr. 马克Dimmitt, 约翰·恩斯, and 范Devender compiled the biological survey of Ironwood Forest, helping to establish the 129,000 acre Ironwood Forest National Monument.

科学主任,博士. 理查德Brusca, along with 马克Dimmitt and Tom 范Devender, initiated work to establish the >10,000 acre private nature reserve, Rancho Ecológico Monte Mojino位于索诺拉州阿拉莫斯附近. The project is a partnership with Nature and Culture International, Pronatura, and the Mexican National Park Service (CONANP), 以保护墨西哥现存最大的濒危热带干燥森林.

世界杯app软件推荐支持正式批准索诺兰沙漠保护计划咨询小组, and several stakeholder meetings were held at the Museum.

Rick Brusca created the searchable, on-line, 大型生物海湾海湾 数据库-唯一完整的所有分类单元的库存,存在于任何地区在地球上. He established the ASDM 可持续海鲜 Program, in partnership with Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch; development of the Southwest 可持续海鲜 Guide.

The Museum supported founding the non-profit, SABCC (Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center), in partnership with Brown Foundation and USGS.

布鲁斯卡建立了亚利桑那大学出版社和asdm出版社的联合科学丛书, ASDM Studies in Natural 历史, with 6 volumes published.

Director of Natural 历史, 马克Dimmit, and botany staff compiled and disseminated >25 years of plant phenology data for the Sonoran Desert Region. 这个资源是亚利桑那大学国家物候学网络(National 物候学 Network)提供的规模最大、运行时间最长的数据集之一。, which tracks phenological changes in response to climate change.


布鲁斯卡和亚利桑那大学的合作伙伴记录了加利福尼亚湾的每一个沿海湿地和河口, including data on size, biological diversity and conservation status.


Dr. Brusca worked with Desert Archeology on the coastal shell middens of Sonora, 这是迄今为止关于索诺拉海岸考古学最广泛的研究成果.

Jesus Garcia and Rick Brusca founded the Kino 传统果树 Project, 记录和保护西班牙殖民时期从地中海带到该地区的果树遗产品种.

布鲁斯卡博士. 金正日富兰克林, 保护 Science Manager, partnered in the Arizona Sky Island Arthropod Project, 这是亚利桑那大学的一个多学科研究项目,结合了系统学, 生物地理学, 生态, 和群体遗传学研究天岛地区节肢动物多样性的起源和模式. The Museum’s role focused on ants and botany.

In partnership with the University of Arizona, 该团队在圣克鲁斯县的圣克鲁斯河制作了第一个完整的水生动物清单.

保护 Scientist, 塞尔吉奥·阿维拉, trained managers of natural protected areas in Northern 墨西哥, as well as community garden managers throughout the Tucson Basin, on protecting and restoring monarch butterfly habitat.

博物馆吸收了南亚利桑那水牛协调中心的功能, including its research, 恢复, fundraising and outreach activities, 包括一年一度的“拯救2022世界杯下注的瓜罗斯”(以前的“击退水牛”)月, and new citizen-mapping initiatives in Tucson and Hermosillo. 富兰克林创立并继续领导索诺兰沙漠合作杂草管理区, 在30多个参与组织中,哪个组织负责协调水牛草和其他入侵杂草的管理, businesses and jurisdictions. 她正在与亚利桑那大学的社会科学家合作,进行一项由美国国家科学基金会资助的跨管辖区治理问题研究.


博物馆的牛耳草小组正在检查萨瓜罗国家公园20年来牛耳草治疗的效果. 2022世界杯下注将利用这些发现为未来不同环境条件下的处理提供建议和成本估算.

博物馆是图森蜜蜂合作组织(与亚利桑那大学昆虫收藏和皮马学院生物系)的创始合作伙伴。, to understand and protect the tremendous diversity of native bees in our region. 高中, 大学生和社区志愿者与研究人员一起研究当地蜜蜂的多样性, abundance and 生态 over time.

